Stay Strong and be Hopeful

Liking someone is easy but loving someone can be so difficult and stressful. To those that give out so much and receive so little, welcome to my world.

I am a Sagittarius by sign. The traits of a Sagittarius includes Fun, Optimist, Good-natured, Sociable, Freedom, Flirting and Spiritual. I don't see myself coming close to any except Freedom and Flirting. I enjoy Freedom and Flirting but i tend to bind my partner from it. Call me selfish but I like to know that my partner is 100% faithful to me and I am all that he sees and seeks. But too clingy can be stressful and troublesome too. Which is why in recent years i've loosen the rope so that i can go out and hang out more. All for the benefits of everyone.

In recent weeks, i've started chatting with a net friend whom i've known for about 10years. Nothing ever sparks mainly because we hardly have time to double click on one another for chats. This time, i initiated the chat. Although he sounds a little bit aloof, he is still very much friendly as before. But it's ok since it's been so many years, it's always good to start new and fresh.

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to make something work or for someone to like you just as much as you like them, it just won't work. I don't know why but it just don't. I know it's sad and heart-breaking that the other person doesn't feel you. But they say persistence pays off if you are hopeful.

Based on my previous experiences, persistence never paid off. It's either i gave up too easily or being hopeful really didn't do much to boost the charm...maybe next time i should stay strong and hold on.

Until then, I wish all the couples who made it through the battle field, to stay strong and a happy life ahead. For all the battles you won, there will be more wars ahead.

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