what do YOU want

I was tuning into pilihan, my everyday-to-work routine, when DJ Izan was on air asking singletons "what do you look for in a girl/guy?" Many called in and in fact it was the girls who called in to answer. Funny, witty and hilarous.

"I want to find someone who can make me laugh"
"I'm attached now but i was single before. can i take part to answer your question?"
"I am looking for someone kind, romantic and thoughtful"
and etc.

It got me into deep thinking...Does love really conquers all? What happens to the materialistic options like looking for someone who could provide them with a better future? Could these callers be too young or naive to understand the importance of good financial future that they are blinded by searching for true love to notice it?

I'm turning 26 end of the year. 10 years ago I was young and full of innocence, just like these callers. I had exactly the same thought like them until i found my love 5yrs 11mths ago. My love and I went through (3/4) bucket full of happiness and love...(1/4) bucket of tears and sorrow. And all of that, we only began to grow up this year. This years' February made me realise how important it is to have savings and securing a good career.

I almost cried my heart out thinking of the bleak future we have but what can we really do. What was done couldn't be undone now. All we could is to blame it on our spendthrift yesteryears and make sure we don't repeat these mistakes again in the coming future. But how much years have we got left to save before we get married and have children to feed and educate them and so forth...?

Life is really playing tricks on us.
Life is too short to earn big bucks.